About Me
My name is Gabriel Roy Espronceda.
I am a Texas-based Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from the Rio Grande Valley. I dedicate my life toward helping people improve their own health to have the best quality of life to spend with their friends and family. I spend my free time with family, playing video games, reading the latest research studies, watching documentaries, and keeping up with current events.
- Nutritional Therapy Association Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP).
- Over 1000 course hours on the latest Nutritional Studies.
- 8+ years of studying Holistic Nutritional Health and Wellness.
- University of Texas Rio Grande Valley BA Political Science Studying how corrupt Interest Groups lobby Congress into making unhealthy policies that impact all Americans.
- Digestion Support – Enjoy food again without discomfort.
- Energy Support – Reclaim your energy and live your life.
- Autoimmune Support – The solution to your problems are here.
- Fertility Support – Have healthy, strong, and smart kids.
- Brain Support – Have the brain power of a high level CEO.
- Liver Phase 1 and Phase 2 Support – Cleanse your body.
- Sleep Support – Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep, & Wake up Rested.
- Vitamin A Toxicity and Accutane help – True Detoxing.
Main Expertise
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes!
- Helping Type 2 Diabetics lower their A1C (Remission).
- Reversing Metabolic Syndrome.
- Using protocols to help support people with Alzheimer’s.
- Improve Diabetic Neuropathy and Insulin Resistance.
- Finding systemic links which may be impacting your health.
- Working with your Doctor to get you satisfactory results.
- Utilizing Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Testing (Test Don’t Guess).